So, I haven't blogged in what seems like ages. The past few weeks have been hectic. I decided to strip the wallpaper in the first floor hallway in my house and then paint. What I originally envisioned as a short, easy project quickly expanded. That hallway had 5 layers of wallpaper on it! Uggg!! I guess that's to be expected with a 60-year-old house, but it certainly wasn't what I was hoping for. After many evenings of cranking up my iTunes and filling my spray bottle with hot water mixed with lovely-smelling vinegar, I've finally got all the wallpaper off. Now it's time for a pro painter to come in, sand down the walls, apply a skim-coat of drywall mud, and then paint. I decided to "treat" myself and have him just go ahead and paint the walls, too. I've been told that drywall mudding is an "art" and considering that my artistic skills are severely lacking, it's worth it to me to have someone else do it. So anyway, that project has been eating away my time.
Work has also been really busy. I'm leading a big project and sometimes sit down at my desk at 5:00 and wonder "where did the day go?" and "how come I didn't check anything off my to-do list?". But, the project is under control now. Although some days were stressful and long, I really enjoyed getting to lead it and make sure it got done the way I wanted it done. (I do have certain control-freak tendencies!).
Also throw in an unexpected visit from my high school best friend, 4 swim practices a week, 2 bike workouts, a few movies (The Bourne Ultimatum, Harry Potter, Hairspray, and some random French film), "West Side Story" at Starlight, weekly church, a PEO meeting, weekly Bible study, a special church group that met on Sunday evenings during the month of July, and an internal debate about if I want to pursue a job in management or do I want to continue to be a "doer" at work... and there you go...that's what I've been up to.
Today, I'm sipping iced chai tea latte at Panera, catching up on life, and hoping that the next few weeks are equally rewarding but slightly less hectic.
3 months ago
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